J-Life Live:26

  • Whoever
  • claims
  • to live in Him
  • must live
  • as Jesus did.
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  • Whoever
  • claims
  • to live in Him
  • must live
  • as Jesus did.
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  • Whoever
  • claims
  • to live in Him
  • must live
  • as Jesus did.
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About LIVE 2:6

Our year begins in January and runs till early December.

You will journey with our LIVE 2:6 team as we:

  • BUILD into who God has designed you to be and how He has wired you to serve others
  • EQUIP you with life and ministry skills
  • MOBILISE you to MULTIPLY your life into others


You will spend 3 days a week journeying in theory and practical experiences with the LIVE 2:6 team – BUILDING and EQUIPPING days.
You will have 3 MINISTRY days at your local church (as well as some week nights)
You will have approximately 1 day off a week


Our training provides a mixture of theory, practical skills and fun activities.      We have 3 main arms:


Our desire is to grow young adults who understand who they are in Christ and are able to live out their lives and individual callings with confidence as they love God and love people. We start each day with daily devotions in the life of Jesus. Each intern has a mentor from the LIVE 2:6 programme as well as someone discipling them in their own church.  Each month we have a morning of solitude and reflection after which interns spend time sharing with their various mentors.

A big focus of Personal Development looks at our Identity (who we are in Christ, our identity as a male or female, Wounds, healing and forgiveness, Stress, Depression and Anxiety, Anger and Conflict).  We spend time writing out our Life Stories and sharing them with the group.

Our training includes looking at how God has shaped us (Personality styles, Spiritual Gifts, Calling, Interests etc), how to live as a Disciple of Jesus and manage our various relationships  (with community, in marriage, with friends, creation and those I disciple) and then with the world around us (looking at stewardship of my time, talent and treasure, the use of technology, work, materialism and consumer culture).

Other practical courses cover Conflict Resolution, Leadership (the leaders character traits, challenges of leadership, pitfalls of leadership, how to develop below the waterline, growing leadership competencies) and then Adulting 101 (mechanics, budgeting, DIY, Tailoring, Keeping a clean house, Using the internet wisely etc). We also spend time doing Job readiness which includes putting together a CV, mock interviews and job shadowing.

Time management, scheduling, and maintaining a calendar are vital as well as skills such as the art of conversation making, etiquette, goal setting, weekly report backs on ministry, keeping up with financial and prayer supporters and creating newsletters.

Fun is a big part of our programme too … and so time is set aside to prioritise activities such as hiking, climbing, surf lessons, supertubes, ice skating, art therapy, birthday celebrations, baking, cooking, ETC!


During our Theological times we do an overview of the bible,  looking into the Old Testament (Pentateuch, Historical books, Poetry, Prophetic) and New Testament (Gospels, Historical, Pauline writings, General writings and Revelation). 

We also delve into Systematic theology and Ethics.  Topics under Systmatic Theology range from learning the basics of God’s General and Special Revelation to Trinitarianism to Ecclesiology to Eschatology. Some topics covered during our Ethics would include Aging and Death, Slavery, War, Pornography, Suicide, Government, Authority of Parents, Purity of Speech, Lying and Telling the truth, etc).

A lot of thought provoking discussions happen during these times and interns are stretched and encouged to learn to study the Scriptures for themselves. 


As J-Life, we are passionate about Disciplemaking. In our Ministry Devleopment is divided into 3 main areas:

Under General Ministry Development interns are taken through J-Life Africa’s Strategy Training Module where they are taught on how to grow a healthy Disciplemaking ministry (Passion, Purpose, Product, Pathway, Winning, Building, Equipping and Multiplying). Next, they journey through J-Life Foundations Ministry Module where they are taught the Foundations of a Disciplemaking lifestyle and ministry (Holy Spirit filled, Prayerful dependence, Obedience to the Kingdom agenda, Word centred, Exalting the Father, Relationships and Intentional Mulitiplication).  Stages of Development, TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) and Basic Counselling skills are also done under General Ministry Development.

Under Personal Disciplemaking,interns are taught tools along a disciplemaking pathway – helping them to take others on a journey from unbelief to maturing

Lastly, Organisational Disciplemaking has interns doing schools ministry, the 101’s of youth and children’s ministry, how to run disciplemaking groups, holiday clubs and short term mission trips.

A lot of practical ministy and ministry exposure is done during the year which includes mission trips, holiday clubs, cultural engagement weeks, visits to churches, NGO’s, schools etc.

Meet the LIVE 2:6 TEAM

We have a team of 5 adults who are all passionate about working with young adults and about disciplemaking.

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